The Best Diet To Keep Depression At Bay: Dr. Julio Licinio

Dr. Julio Licinio is working on the field of psychology and mental health for long. Currently, he is the Senior Vice President of Academic and Health Affairs and Executive Dean of College of Medicine New York. In a recent conference, he discussed the role of diet in mental health.
We all know that our food and eating habits have a great impression on our physical health, but according to Dr. Julio Licinio, it can control our emotions as well.

Many foods can boost happiness or good mood among us. When you will take them regularly, the things will change for a better direction.
Anti-oxidant Diet: In our body, the production of free radicals is natural. It is the molecule that leads to the damage of the cells. There is no way to destroy those free radicals but when you eat anti-oxidant rich foods it will lessen the effects. Try to add Beta carotene (apricot, carrots, peaches, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potato, etc), Vitamin C (Strawberry, blueberries, kiwi, grapefruits, broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers) and Vitamin E (Nuts, Seeds, wheat grams and vegetable oil).
Carbohydrate Diet: Some smart carbs actually boost the mood by inducing brain chemicals like serotonin. Dr. Julio Licinio is working on the factor to find out whether the carb craving is the indication of low serotonin in our body. However, you need to select the carbs wisely and restrict sugar intake. You have to go for the smart carbs like whole grains instead of simple carbs. Add fruits, vegetables, and legumes in your diet to strengthen your mental ability.

Protein Rich Diet: Amino acid is an important component to make the serotonin. When you will have a protein-rich diet, you will have an ample amount of amino acid called tryptophan in your body. Eat the protein when you need to clear the minds. You can consider eating meat, tuna, chicken, turkey, low-fat cheese, milk, peas, soy products, beans, and yogurt.

Mediterranean Diet: It has been proved in research that malnutrition leads to depression. Enhance vitamin B in your diet with legumes, fruits, nuts, green vegetables as part of the Mediterranean diet.

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