Know More about the New Chairman of College Of Medicine, Julio Licinio

The deputy director at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute(SAHMRI) is Julio Licinio, but he is also a theme leader of Mind and brain. He is a renowned professor of psychiatry at Flinders University- Adelaide, South Australia, and Medical professor of psychiatry at University of New Mexico School Of Medicine- Albuquerque. 

Prof. Licinio, being a chief editor, has published three journals from the Nature Published Group. He has a good knowledge of pharmacogenomics. Pharmacogenomics is a branch which studies the individual response to therapeutic drugs. Moreover, he edited several books on pharmacogenomics and biology of depression. He also published significant research on psychiatry and a relationship between depression, antidepressant, and obesity. Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency has registered him as a psychiatry specialist.

Prof. Julio Licinio received his degree of doctor of medicine from the Federal University of Bahia and accomplished his internal medicine training at the University of Sao Paulo and psychiatry training at Albert Einstein Hospital in Bronx, New York City. He also worked as a temporary advisor in World Health Organization.

Prof. Licinio conducted a big-size research work on pharmacogenomics with the help of his peers. In that research work, he noticed that a large number of Mexican- American population are suffering from the problem of depression. He then handover his research work to International Hap Map Project. In the end, the response of his treatment was published in other areas too.

Because of his significant findings, the works of Licinio have been globally appreciated. He was further asked by many to comment on the topics related to life and career related to medical research. He is skilled enough to write the most-discussed blog on science-related subjects. In fact, he has presented his views and suggestions on many review panels and committees.

In his personal life, he never forgot to show his love and respect towards science. He married to Ma-Li Wong, an expert on pharmacogenomics, depression, and psychoneuroimmunology. They worked together on editing the books on pharmacogenomics and so on.
