The Best Tips To Keep up Rationally Solid Work Spot By Julio Licinio

Mental illness is the silent killer which can destroy the sanity at the workplace. It also hampers the productivity as well as the well being of the employer. That’s why; Dr. Julio Licinio, the Senior Vice President for the Academic and Health Affairs, Executive Dean of the College of Medicine and renowned professor in the Department of Psychiatry has suggested some great tips to maintain the mental equilibrium.

The awareness regarding mental health is much needed during this period as there is much stigma attached to it. Most of the employers believe that seeking help for the mental ailments can damage their career as well as the trust factor of the employer. Dr. Julio Licinio has suggested some excellent ways to incorporate therapy in our daily life top encounter the situation.

1. Awareness: The first step should be taken by the employer to incorporate mental health plans in their monthly engagement plan. Ensure that all the employees must get the required message and come up with their problems. You can invite motivational speakers or third party services to organize different events encouraging awareness regarding mental health. The first step should be creating an environment where everyone feels safe and secured to communicate about the ongoing challenges.
2. Communication: As per Dr. Julio Licinio, starting communication is the real challenge. That’s why, creating an environment where mental health issue will be seen on the same light of an accident or infection is much required. The affected person can speak their mind about the problems so that it can be cured.
3. Working Condition: As employers have to spend at least 40-50 per weeks at their workplace. The experience during this time frame can have a deep impact on the mind of the employers. From serving the healthy meal to a flexible working hour; there are many things which can be done to improve the working condition.
4. Encourage Well Being: Every company should take a thoughtful approach to promote good and friendly working atmosphere. There are many community building activities which they can introduce to deal with the stress level of the employees.
